cisco lab router configuration

Lab 2-6 Configuring an IP address on an Interface. (PC-PT) as below: NVRAM config last updated at 15:25:17 UTC Thu Sep, – IS-IS summary, L1 – IS-IS level-1, L2 – IS-IS level-2, – IS-IS inter area, * – candidate default, U – per-user static route, + – replicated route, % – next hop override, p – overrides from, is directly connected, Loopback0, is directly connected, Loopback0, is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0/0, is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0/0, is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0/1, is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0/1. Nokia NRS I Labs . A good practice method for the CCNA exam (Cisco Certified Networking Associate) if you have the Cisco study tool Packet Tracer is to download some practice labs that cover the CCNA objectives. exit”. Now that you have completed the configuration of the router, test your work. … For more details, see the. router# config terminal. There is no way to effectively list all the combinations of configurations for each router class. 3. Refer to the exhibit. interface fastethernet 0/1 An L designates a local interface. This cisco lab will show you how to configure a simple network with 1 Router 1841, 2 Switch 2960 and 2 PC. Using Tera Term on PC-A, open an SSH session to the R1 Loopback interface IPv4 address. In opened Windows, click the IP configuration option from the Desktop menu and set the IP configuration option to DHCP. Display a summary list of the interfaces on the router. If things are correct, you should have an 80-100% ICMP success rate. By using this product you, agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. To telnet from Ranet PC, open the Ranet PC desktop and click the command prompt. To find out how the router is configured, look at the interfaces to identify the type of router and how many interfaces the router has. We are now prepared to enter the commands to complete the lab. Answers may vary, but in this lab, it is 32768K bytes of NVRAM. As a result, the router would boot up without a startup. What is the name of the IOS image that the router is running? Set enable secret to be “ranetenablepass” End with CNTL/Z Router(config)# hostname Access_Server Access_Server(config)# Step 2: Configure a loopback interface for use in reverse telnet sessions. Configuration register is 0x2142 (will be 0x2102 at next reload). What is the boot process for the router on the next reload? no shutdown exit What is the most likely problem? Cisco IOS Software [Fuji], ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9_IAS-M), Version 16.9.4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2), Technical Support: be the first address of network Set IP address of interface Fastethernet 0/0 to How are passwords presented in the output? Stay away from crown. no shutdown 6. They are virtual, in the sense that they are a function of software – there is no hardware associated with them. Your email address will not be published. All we love you. Step 2: Configure the router. Router#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. Retrieve important hardware and software information. Click the “PC-PT Console Terminal” device. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are, licensed under the GNU General Public License (“GPL”) Version 2.0. Using the command line at PC-A, ping the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for PC-B. documentation or “License Notice” file accompanying the IOS-XE software, or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE, Uptime for this control processor is 35 minutes, System restarted at 14:49:40 UTC Thu Sep 5 2019, System image file is “flash:isr4200-universalk9_ias.16.09.04.SPA.bin“, This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United, States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and, use. 1. You can redistribute and/or modify such, GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for, compliance with U.S. and local country laws. You may have to reboot the machine. interface fastethernet 0/1 This is a comprehensive lab to review previously covered IOS, SSH to connect to the router remotely and. Configure the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway settings on PC-B. Ping to from Ranet A ITC – Introduction to Cybersecurity 2.1 (Level 1), CE – Cybersecurity Essentials 1.1 (Level 2), 1.6.2 Lab – Configure Basic Router Settings Answers, 3.4.6 Lab – Configure VLANs and Trunking Answers. If things are correct, you should have an 80-100% ICMP success rate (see screenshot). Cable equipment to match the network topology. This can also be done by entering “config t”. Learn how to secure (Enable & Privilege Exec Mode), erase (Running Configuration), enable (Telnet access), set (Hostname, Login banner & Time zone), configure (FastEthernet & Serial interface) and several other essential tasks in detail with examples. 4. For RIP Routing Demonstration I have used Cisco Packet Tracer Software. be enable. [. 2. hostname RanetA Basic configuration of the router includes configuration of the IP address, default routing, static and dynamic routing, static and dynamic NATing, host name, banner, secret password, user accounts, and other options. end”. Command in privileged exec mode and global configuration mode To set the Telnet password type: “line vty 0 4 Task 2: Perform Basic Configuration of Router R1. Lab 2-8 … “Exit can also be used instead of “end”. “interface fastethernet 0/0 You must use the PC to open a terminal (console) session to the router in order to configure it via the command line interface (CLI). 7. What is the default gateway assigned to PC-B? Configure the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway settings on PC-A. Router & Switch Configuration Practices are one of the most important points of network certification studies.To have hands on experience on various network devices, you should practice on various network equipment and network configuration examples.In this page, you will find a lot of network configuration examples for different network vendor like Cisco, … GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. compliance with U.S. and local country laws. What command would be used as part of configuring NAT or PAT to identify an interface as part of the external global network? Click the “Terminal” icon on the desktop. The network administrator has an IP address of and needs access to manage R1. be After typing a command, you press enter and the … Was it successful? R1(config)# security passwords min-length 12, R1(config)# username SSHadmin secret 55Hadm!n2020, R1(config)# crypto key generate rsa modulus 1024, R1(config)# banner motd $ Authorized Users Only! For details from Cisco on configuring Telnet, Console and AUX passwords, click here. Passwords can easily be seen using a packet sniffer. Setting up a Cisco Router This section discusses the setup for the Cisco routers in the Internet Lab. I will walk you through all of the commands to accomplish each objective of this lab. What. Set console password to be “ranetconsolepass” Answers may vary. line vty 0 4 As part of this plan, the administrator is looking for a backup site for all of the data on the company servers. 4. What service or technology would support this requirement? Depending on the model and Cisco IOS version, the commands available and the output produced might vary from what is shown in the labs. Ensure that the, : The IPv6 address should be surrounded with square brackets, i.e. To set the clock on a Cisco router, we use the clock set command which is actually an EXEC level command (not global configuration mode). For review purposes, this lab provides the commands necessary for specific router configurations. 7. End with CNTL/Z. Step 1: Configure the PC interfaces. In order for a port to be turned on or activated, the “no shutdown” command must be entered for each interface. exit With a recursive static route, the next-hop IP address is specified. In global configuration mode enter “enable secret ranetenablepass”. The router name is now followed by a pound (#) symbol to show this. What command changed the status of the Gigabit Ethernet ports from administratively down to up? end, configure terminal This password will be required to enter privileged EXEC command mode. Interpret the output from the startup configuration. Set console password to be “ranetconsolepass”, This password will deter unauthorized access to the router via the console connection. password ranetenablepass A network administrator has configured OSPFv2 on the two Cisco routers but PC1 is unable to connect to PC2. Other routers, switches, and Cisco IOS versions can be used. Be sure to order them correctly and remember which command mode you are in. Answers may vary. Step 1: Configure a recursive static route. “interface fastethernet 0/1 Use the show startup-config | section vty command. Under Internet of Everything or Training, find the lab / Step 3: Configure the switch. The string in parenthesis is the legal abbreviation that can be used in Cisco IOS commands to represent the interface. The string in parenthesis is the legal abbreviation that can be used in Cisco IOS commands to represent the interface. router(config)# hostname R1. Was it successful? Because only the next-hop IP is specified, the router must perform multiple lookups in the routing table before forwarding packets. ip address What, In researching a network connectivity issue, a technician suspects that an interface was assigned an incorrect subnet mask. On PC-B, change its configuration so that it no longer has a static IPv6 address. when not sure about the syntax or availability of commands. exit”. Ensure that the SSH radio button is selected and then click OK to connect to the router. NRS I is the first certification of Nokia Network Certifications.It is a good entrance certification for Service Provider Networks.In Nokia NRS I Certification Program, there are also some configuration lessons that needs some Nokia hands on experience.On NRS I Exam 4A0-100, there is no practical part.But you should know basic configurations of a Nokia Router. commands from an SSH session to retrieve information from the router. After pressing enter you will see the prompt change from “Router(config)#” to “RanetA(config)#”. Before we get started, I will explain how to configure routers in the Packet Tracer lab environment. ip address interface fastethernet 0/0 exit This first lab (1-1) covers basic Cisco router network configuration. Consult with your Answers for the procedure to initialize and reload a router and switch. Log in as SSHadmin with the password 55Hadm!n2020. What is the best ACL type and placement to use in this situation? Using Tera Term on PC-A, open an SSH session to the R1 Loopback interface IPv4 address. ! enable Image version may vary but in this lab, it is isr4200-universalk9_ias.16.09.04.SPA.bin. If the router is receiving many MOSPF packets, you might want to configure the router to ignore the packets and thus prevent a large number of syslog messages. Ensure that the, Using Tera Term on PC-A, open an SSH session to the R1 Loopback interface IPv6 address. In this lab you will learn: l the various configuration modes of Cisco 2621 routers l how to set up IP addresses for such routers l how to connect two networks with routers by setting up static routing tables l the firewall functions of a router by setting up access lists. A /30 network means the subnet mask is HINT: Use the question mark (?) Set telnet password to be “ranettelnetpass” Refer to the Router Interface Summary Table at the end of the lab for the correct interface identifiers. While in global configuration command mode type. The contents of the running configuration in RAM would be erased during reload. How much Flash memory does the router have? If the initial boot fails, the router goes into ROMMON mode. Using Tera Term on PC-B, open an SSH session to the R1 Loopback interface IPv6 address and log in as SSHadmin with the password 55Hadm!n2020. The router name is now followed by the word “config” in parenthesis followed by the pound (#) symbol. Click … Set IP address of interface Fastethernet 0/1 to Router>enable Router# Step 3: Enter global configuration mode. Click the “Desktop” tab of the “Console Terminal” window. If you are unable. It is not encrypted. Requirements: Two Cisco routers with one Ethernet port and one serial port. Initialize and restart the router and switch. We have just installed a new router to be our gateway. Answers may vary. It simplifies the configuration of routing, firewall, VPN, WAN, LAN, and other settings through menus and easy-to-use wizards. Router Configuration Modes After connecting to a Cisco Router (let’s say using a console), you are presented with the Command Line Interface in which you type and enter configuration commands. command on the router to answer the following questions. 5. I would like to connect my cisco router to my home router so I can connect my lab network to the internet.  2. Network Configuration Examples. Below are the lab’s scenario and instructions: You are the Network Administrator at Ranet. To configure a device as a DHCP client, change its IP configuration option to DHCP. To configure recursive static routes, use the following syntax: Router(config)# ip route network-address subnet-mask ip-address a. Once in the global configuration mode, type “hostname” followed by a space and the new router name which is “RanetA”. ! Log in as SSHadmin with the password 55Hadm!n2020. When the lab launches, click on “PC-PT Console Terminal”. Configure all three interfaces with descriptions. This document describes how to use the Cisco Configuration Professional (Cisco CP) in order to set the basic configuration of the router. Answers will vary. In most cases (0x2102), the router will undergo a normal boot, load the IOS from the Flash memory, and load the startup configuration from the NVRAM if present. ip address This table includes identifiers for the possible combinations of Ethernet and Serial interfaces in the device. exit Interface              IP-Address      OK? The following image shows the above procedure. Set hostname to be “RanetA” The Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on Cisco 4221 routers are autosensing and an Ethernet straight-through cable may be used between the router and PC-B. 2. You will then be dropped down into the privileged EXEC command mode after entering the “end” command. The router name is followed by a pound (#) symbol in Privileged EXEC command mode. What is the IPv6 address assigned to PC-B? Remotely access R1 from PC-A using the Tera Term SSH client. The lab can also accompany GNS3 software for hands-on experience with both physical and logical networking. Generate a set of crypto keys with a 1024 bit modulus. Your prompt will show the router name followed by a greater than sign. Therefore, the configuration on the routers is as follows:! exit”. Power on all the devices in the topology. The [up/up] status reflects the Layer 1 and Layer 2 status of the interface and does not rely on Layer 3 for status. 5. HINT: When typing commands in the CLI you can press the “tab” key to auto complete the command. Console into the router and enable privileged EXEC mode. Enter configuration mode. router> enable. The Cisco routers in the lab should run IOS 11.2 or a later version. Passwords are encrypted due to the service password-encryption command. “interface fastethernet 0/0 Site-to-Site VPN Lab using the Cisco 5921 Embedded Services Router This configuration is used with “Introduction to the Cisco 5921 Embedded Services Router v1” in dCloud. What is the meaning of the [up/up] part of the output? You can use it after typing a few letters of a word or after one or two words of a command. As a result, the router would boot up without a startup configuration and the user would be asked if they would like to enter initial configuration dialog. The next-hop IP is specified console into the global configuration mode about Basic router lab... Due to the R1 default gateway settings on PC-B, change its configuration. Ccna2 v7 - SRWE - lab Answers in privileged EXEC command mode: Red color! Via the console connection management for Integrated Services routers ( ISRs ) lesson has helped to understand the options... Using… lab 2 - Basic router configuration configure recursive static route, the administrator is for. A greater than sign authentication on the router is running the number of routers used with CCNA labs! Experience with both physical and logical networking 4: configure the system to require minimum... 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Save the running configuration to the R1 Loopback interface IPv6 address should be surrounded with square brackets,.... A Summary list of download links to 19 of these labs is about half down! Router in actuality configuring an IP address of network 6 “ the vty lines are lab! Internet lab PC-B cisco lab router configuration open an SSH session to the PC that has console! Save the running configuration in RAM would be asked if they would like to connect to the R1 interface...

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