I am still debating my thoughts on homework. We focus on positive behavior reinforcement, and you can use any of these suggestions in conjunction with school-wide frameworks such as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). I believe in giving out 2-3 nights a week of homework that enhances what we are discussing in class. All negative language in the classroom is immediately stopped and I believe the students now feel safe to express themselves without fear of being made fun of. I believe that this may make it easier in the long run, but I do not think you have to use a teachable moment right from the start to have it be meaningful. I will use different forms of assessment to make sure students understand the information. It’s a great idea to use lists for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks for you and your students. I found this strategy particularly useful, as my CTs only "rule" at the beginning of the year was to "respect each other, the classroom and the teacher in order to create an environment in which to learn." In this plan, we make a lot of references to the first few weeks of school, but if you’re reading this after the start of the school year, or even in the second semester, it’s not too late. A strong management plan will result in an effective and engaged learning environment. Every teacher has... 2. I think it is crucial in the beginning of the school year to state these rights and explain what the students need to do to have these rights. I want to encourage all students to participate in class so that they can learn from each other as well as me. August 17, 2020. (Read about Sarah on pages 213–218 in The First Days of … The carpet on the floor is comforting to the student and yields a form of tranquility amidst the invigorating walls. [Developed by Instructor: Colin Haysman, Stanford University], Return to Classroom Management Plan instructions, Return to course syllabus, Being a New Teacher. In terms of wrapping up, I want to also have an essential question that the lesson is revolving around. There will be a few computers for projects, reports and research, as well as use of applications to present reports to the class (i.e. What are their strengths? Trust is key to developing likability, respect, and an easy rapport with your students. But keep in mind that rules exist for the reason being to maintain peace and order within the classroom. I will go around the room and stamp the homework each day it is due and will collect the notebooks every two or three weeks to grade. Every … I will talk to him/her about the positive things they are doing in class and how I appreciate something they are doing, as in participating in class for example. In … So instead of starting from scratch, why not use our plan as a framework and tailor it to your needs? I agree with this last point. I want to have a democratic and equitable classroom so that students can learn. Article . I believe that meeting the needs of my students is a very crucial part of my classroom. It’s confrontational. I believe if parents are involved in their childs school, the child will have more support at home and the parent can help with any issues that arise. 6. Create well-structured lessons to help you with time management in the virtual classroom. I believe the students will understand where we are going and it leads to an effective wrap-up at the end of class. January 4, 2020. So where do I begin? In his basic classroom management plan, Linsin recommends including the following rules: Listen and follow directions. I think it is very important to engage students in discussion to try to draw out and challenge ideas and let the class learn from each other. They are essential for sure in achieving the purposes of teaching and learning proves in the classroom. Step 5: Develop an Alternate Plan for Students Who Misbehave Even the best classroom management plan may not be effective for every student. The Classroom Management Plan is a strategy to accomplish this, at the same time maintain control of the classroom as well as redirect and deal with disruptive behaviors. He suggests not giving in to the secondary behavior, such as back talking or body language. I want to encourage my students by telling them specific feedback on an assignment rather than a star and a "good job." A key aspect of effective classroom management is knowing what you're going to do. Let's start out by identifying what makes a good classroom management kindergarten plan. A classroom management plan is an essential tool for educators as it provides them the guidelines on how they should handle everything that flows and goes during their classes. Start by stating your philosophy of motivation. The key element is a “shift from a quiet, well-managed classroom to one that is lively and features an emphasis on student learning,” explains Thomas Hanson on OpenEducation.net. One other main point of the different theories that we have read by Dreikurs and Alberts point out that students who are not having their needs met will "act out" in order to get their needs met for either attention, power, relevant or inadequacy. I want students to learn, first. I believe in involving the parents as much as possible. Having a strategic plan based on the type of behavior is key. I agree with this prevention strategy because once a student is not held accountable, then the problem will just perpetuate. Some teachers do not think it matters because the students can have 30 tardies before the parent is called in. Every classroom management plan should have clear expectations. I will be another person setting high expectations for all my students and helping those who may need some extra attention to accomplish their goals in the classroom. Read more…, There are several different reward and consequence systems out there, and multiple arguments for which is best. Classroom management plans begin with the teacher’s philosophy of motivation. Here's what makes a good classroom management plan, how to plan rewards and consequences and I'll share my own classroom management plan with you. I want to be a fair as I can be, so the students trust me. I would like to give my kids the freedom to eat or drink as long as they are responsible for their trash and mess. I will have bookshelves in the corner where students can research and use resources supplemental to the textbooks. I really like the idea of having the students involved in making their own rules and negotiating with each other which ones to put in the constitution. I would also like to implement some class meetings where we can discuss what is working and not working with the class. I do not want my students falling behind because they are not doing their work. I want to make sure I leave at least five minutes to wrap up the lesson and reiterate the important points brought up that day. I believe that if students are in a safe environment, then learning can take … By giving "take up time" the teacher lets the student save face in front of his classroom. If I "wait" for them to be quiet, they will quiet each other down. I believe Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting. I would love to have the students create a portfolio of their work in alignment with their notebooks so they can be graded on their improvement and competency with the material so it is not solely graded on traditional tests and quizzes. PowerPoint). Kounin emphasizes that teachers should make instructional activities enjoyable and challenging for the students. 14 Tips for A Better Classroom Management Plan 1. Even if the students are not paying full attention and their mind is wandering, I hope to catch a few of them thinking about the posters inquisitively. If the tables are arranged as so, I can walk around, engage more students, and hopefully create an environment where students can talk and share ideas freely and comfortably. This is a packet of back to school activities for middle school students. We will not be solely learning the facts of history, but will be integrating art, math, geography, science and psychology to deepen our understanding of our units. Rogers suggests giving directions and immediately walking away. Life in a Medieval Castle. A classroom management plan is a necessity that every teacher must adhere to. Featured Middle School Resources. This video, shot in the first few days of my classroom in 2010, and the seven tips below will show how I try to put these ideas into practice. I believe if students feel they are involved in the workings of the classroom, they will be more motivated to engage in the class and in turn, learn. The success of classroom management can be detected or seen from some indicator… It is essential that directions are heard and important points in class are heard. I will focus on sending a few postcards home each week. More particularly, the teacher's goal is to teach students directly how to be successful in specific class situations. Know your philosophy In these notebooks, students can show their creativity in designing a cover page for each unit as well as doing free-writes or reflections to the lessons and central questions right in the notebook. You can pick and choose what you believe will work best for you, and as you find other ideas you like, just mix them in. I would grade on class participation including attendance, homework, groupwork and tests and quizzes. By arranging the students where they are facing each other, I believe this leads to a more intimate environment as well as a space where I can get to every student easily. Students will also have access to the computer lab in the school where they can learn social studies as well as technology by integrating the lessons. You might be interested in work plan … I would like to grade more on final essays that have drafts attached rather then standard tests. This help motivate your students strive hard and do well in their classes. It includes physical and socio-emotional managements. They look forward with anticipation and excitement to each day. For ninth-grade teacher Emily Polak, flexible seating is part of effective classroom management. I am not a stickler for gum chewing or eating and drinking as long as it does not interfere with learning and doesnt make a mess. Basically, it lays out what you believe about education and how students should learn. Whenever you fail to follow your classroom management plan as promised, your integrity takes a hit. I like to walk around the room while teaching, rather than staying in one stationary place in the front. Many classroom management plans begin with the teacher's philosophy of motivation. Read more…, Classroom rules and procedures may seem interchangeable, but they are actually two different components of your management plan. "8 Proactive Classroom Management Tips." Accessed July 23, 2020. I want them to feel comfortable asking questions of me. You need a proper classroom management strategy to guide all things that happen in the classroom within the day. The purpose of this notebook is to keep all class materials in one place so when they go to study for a test, they are not looking all over for loose papers. It is not an effective way to correct positively. Rogers does not address this point and I feel it is another important theory to remember when dealing with classroom management. You are here. I always want to have the agenda on the board so they can copy it down in their notebook everyday as they walk in. (Sheets and Gay, 1996) I believe to succeed in having a classroom like this it is necessary to have great interpersonal skills even more than classroom management skills. I would probably put homework at only 10% of the grade tests/presentations at 25% and group work at 25% of their grade. "Behavior management" is made strategies and systems that will manage and eliminate difficult behaviors that prevent students from succeeding in an academic environment. Being a teacher takes your time a lot because you should concern each students’ development. Classroom Management. In order to establish a learning environment, students need to feel safe physically and emotionally; they need to treat each other with respect, which means not allowing name-calling or put-downs in the class. Consistency is good, so don’t change your entire management system once a month; however, it’s better to introduce something new than to spend the rest of the year with a chaotic classroom. I will take a seat in the "circle" to conduct lessons as well as moving around the room. From his studies, Kounin developed theories about classroom management that were based around a teacher’s ability to organize and plan in their classrooms while using proactive behavior and high student involvement. When planning your classroom management … Establishing this early on is crucial in having an environment conducive to teaching and learning. I will have a computer in which to keep grades and will have lesson plans, attendance sheets and miscellaneous paperwork organized there. I think it is very important to involve the parents. I believe it coincides with a theory of Linda Alberts which says that students misbehave when there needs are not met. I think my attitude towards the students is not overbearing or authoritative. While Rogers talks about Positive Correction, he emphasizes reacting from the "head" versus the gut. Proactive teachers can visualize a classroom that truly runs itself, and they pro-actively create a plan to accomplish their vision. The purpose of a classroom management plan is to hold students accountable for misbehavior—without having to yell, scold, or lecture. I dont believe in giving homework for homeworks sake. I have found this effective when a student is talking out of line, I have asked them to stop, said "thank you" and walked away. As you can see by my drawings (see Attachments 1 and 2), I want to create an environment in my classroom that is conducive to discussions and groupwork. In classrooms with effective management plans, students are comfortable, relaxed, focused, eager to learn, and excited about achieving success. It’s a great idea to use lists for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks for you and your students. Students move through many activities during the course of a typical day, from whole-group lessons to small-group work, from reading time to math time, from in-class work to specials outside the classroom. [1] X Research source I will tell them why their behavior is interfering in the class and have them meet with me later to make a plan of how they will be able to stop the behavior. Teaching Young Children. I think this helps the student take control of the situation. Establishing an effective plan for classroom management has to begin at the start of school, but it doesn’t end there. This classroom management plan is a step-by-step guide and includes proven strategies and tips for elementary school teachers, and it covers four key components for establishing a successful, well-managed classroom: Read this before you hit the Target dollar bins or spend hours laminating everything in sight. Cultivate … I believe that if students are in a safe environment, then learning can take place. I believe the most important part of classroom management is not the behavior problems but creating a good rapport with the students, encouraging them to succeed and setting high expectations for them. How this is done can vary depending on student ages and personalities. Even if the student did not get the homework done, they may lose a point because they did not have a stamp, but still has time to get the assignment done by collection time. For it is the law of the educational classroom. I may give out an unannounced quiz but not have it graded so I can find out where students are at. I want them to be successful learners. The size of the classroom and interior areas, the colors of the walls, the type of furniture and flooring, the amount of light, and the room arrangement all influence how students learn. Kounin also talks about the smoothness of the lesson that will prevent problems. Their... Second, have a solid plan.. Jennifer Gonzalez, in … Most Recent. Download Classroom Management Plan. As Dreikurs (1982) argues, "Encouragement, refers to a positive acknowledgment response to focuses on student efforts of specific attributes or work completed Unlike praise, encouragement does not place judgment on student work or give information regarding its value or implications of student status. I am committed to making my classroom a safe and challenging environment and engaging my students through the curriculum as well as getting to know them and interacting with them one-on-one. In this self-paced online course, we’ll walk you step-by-step through the process of developing and then implementing a strong classroom management plan. First, take time to build relationships with students.. Get to know your students. I do not believe in forcing the students to do anything. The consequences need to be related and reasonable. These resources could be additional materials that students can look through out of curiosity or of obtaining extra information on a subject. I believe the circle of tables encourages discussion and in turn, students learn from each other. If it gets out of control, I will let them know that the privilege will be taken away, right from the beginning. 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