What made you want to look up manpower? Why parentheses returns exit status but not braces. Student, sophomore, freshman. Manpower: a body of persons at work or available for work. "My department has 15 FTEs, with a total headcount of 20. Is there a way to explain on resume that the scope/role of the employee constantly changed to make leaps in performance? Applicable or available to all genders. 5 Gender-neutral synonyms. The sex-differentiated terms were wer and wif, for males and females respectively.Around the late thirteenth century, wer fell out of use (though as horror fans know, we kept werewolf) and man … Unisex, androgynous, epicene. By Kim Z Dale, May 24, 2017 at 8:30 am Is "you guys" a gender-neutral term? Accessed 4 Feb. 2021. Is there a commonly accepted substitute for this abbreviation which is For example, the words policeman and stewardess are gender … Isn't the term "manpower" pretty widespread and means men or women. Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman#Etymology. I do understand what manpower means - but there is a valid objection to the term contained in your own explanation. Same for "freshman" e.g. @gnat I am asking for a term which is commonly accepted in management. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Woman is actually a subset/specialization of Man, if you want to break the language down to brass tacks). 'Man' should technically be replaced by 'Woman', since female is the blueprint for homo sapiens, thus making the female primary, not a 'subset/specialization'; it's the other way around from a biological point of view. :), If you're going to go with Google Ngrams as support, I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that. Antonyms for gender-neutral include gendered and gender-specific. FTE seems to be the norm can you say why EQM is different? Can an incapacitated individual consent to marriage? You are welcome to submit your own answer. Find more ways to say manpower, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Breaking with the single consonant-i form of the pronouns, but instantly recognizable to most speakers, is another proposal, ŝli. Synonym.com is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. No one thinks it is gender biased. Another word for gender. Is there a commonly accepted gender neutral convention to replace the abbreviation EQM (Equivalent Manpower)? Learn a new word every day. Topics Language c1 What would an immortal-run American bank have to do to secretly maintain bank accounts for immortal customers? Read up on gender-neutral English and you’re bound to run into the history of the word man.Briefly, it goes like this. Effort. middleman: intermediary, go-between : newsman: reporter, correspondent : policeman: police officer Is the term “man hours” appropriate for the workplace, and if not, how do I get my coworkers to use a more neutral term? 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? As of 2019, ri is the most popular gender-neutral pronoun proposal. Care should be taken here to consider what is really meant. @called2voyage so just say xx department has 250 FTE, FTE is used only really in summation (like you say EQM is), so it seems identical to me (and very common in my experience as well). In Old English man meant a human being, male or female. All males must now be referred to as "He-Men." There are some instances where the conventional abbreviation "EQM", which stands for "Equivalent Manpower" is used. “Help create a more equal world by using gender-neutral language if you’re unsure about someone’s gender or are referring to a group.” As a general matter, world-governing authorities should not be in the business of telling people what they should and should not say. If I asked if there is a conventional term in physics for "influence which tends to change the motion of an object" that is not an EL&U question. why does LSPACE(log space) complexity class exist but not logtime? PRIORITY GENDER EQUALITY GUIDELINES Prepared by: Division for Gender Equality Cabinet of the Director-General January 2019 Annex: Guidelines for Gender-Inclusive Language In 1987 UNESCO published the first edition of the Guide to Non-Sexist Language and in 1999 its third edition under the title Guidelines on Gender-Neutral Language. No energy for that fight, because really it should be Womankind! How to count the lines containing one of two words but not both. 40 gender-neutral alternatives to saying "you guys" Tweet. Besides, it still has that pesky little gender-specific *man* lurking in the middle (huMANpower). If you thought "Force" was a feminine word, and were asking for an alternative, then you. Is there a commonly accepted substitute for this abbreviation which is gender neutral? If the gravitational force were inversely proportional to distance (rather than distance squared), will celestial bodies fall into each other? Check by reading, not logic. Workforce Equivalent - WFE (Oddly enough, was balked at because it "looked like" Wife). In English, this includes use of nouns that are not gender-specific to refer to roles or professions, formation of phrases in a coequal manner, and discontinuing the blanket use of male terms. Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! Gender-neutral language or gender-inclusive language is language that avoids bias towards a particular sex or social gender. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Do you know these earlier meanings of words? "Manpower", like "Force", is the standard, conventional, gender-neutral term. This isn't about the specifics of English Language. 24 Coed synonyms. rev 2021.2.3.38486, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, The Workplace Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, This question appears to be off-topic because it is about issues of. Another way to say Gender Neutral? Delivered to your inbox! Also, the UN’s list of suggested substitute words is kind of bad. Another way to say Gender-neutral? Unless someone else can bring any other insights to this, I have discovered the term equivalent workforce, which seems to have replaced "equivalent manpower" (supported by Google Ngrams). I don't understand the downvote either. manpower: workers, workforce, staffing: manslaughter (Sorry, but this legal term for a form of homicide has no gender-neutral replacement.) What are another words for Gender-neutral? Imagine the uproar... Actually - You would be "proper" in usurping Man to mean female, by default. The word “man” does not just refer to males. 7 synonyms of manpower from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 17 related words, definitions, and antonyms. “The use of gender-neutral language has been widely recognized as being hugely important in the struggle for gender equality," Sam Dowd, … Then males would need a prefix. In PostgreSQL, how do I make it so that either column A or column B must be non-null? Synonyms for gender-neutral include epicene, genderless, non-gendered, ungendered, gender-free, agender and agendered. This is a question of standards and conventions. See more. Can the Dread Helm make all eyes glow red? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Swapping wheels and cassettes with Shimano GRX 600/800. But, I've seen this ridiculous exercise played out a few times, and in all but one, sanity returned when people realized what "Manpower" actually meant. Worker. Is there a reliable way to climb up the ladder? My organization is seeking to replace all "manpower" terminology with gender neutral terms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman#Etymology, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor, Visual design changes to the review queues. Nglish: Translation of manpower for Spanish Speakers. It began in the 1970s when the word chairperson was first used as a replacement for chairman.. As the list above shows, we haven't seen a wholesale substitution of -person for -man in this type of noun. Using gender neutral language to satisfy some politically correct notion is absurd, unless you are a politician. gender neutral? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. @WesleyLong. Synonyms for Gender Neutral (other words and phrases for Gender Neutral) - Page 2. We can accomplish our goal by the deadline if we put enough effort/manpower into it. We are hampered by the worker/manpower shortage. Gender neutrality (adjective form: gender-neutral), also known as gender-neutralism or the gender neutrality movement, is the idea that policies, language, and other social institutions (social structures, gender roles, or gender identity) should avoid distinguishing roles according to people's sex or gender.This is in order to avoid discrimination arising from the impression that … The new rules are meant for EU translators, whose job it is to translate documents among the different languages of the 28 member states. gender-neutral toys/washrooms; She argued that the law should always be gender-neutral. The women's sleeping quarters are on the left side of the dormitory, the men's are on the right; gender-neutral restrooms are located in the middle. Is there still a Belgian vs. French distinction between "quatorze jours" and "quinze jours"? Learn more. EL&U could have many answers for a word which means "influence which tends to change the motion of an object", but in physics there is one standard: "Force". In fact, ‘gender’ is in danger of becoming such a vogue ... manpower man-made brotherhood of man brotherly man and wife man-months FTE is, in my experience, very widely used in professions like teaching and nursing in the USA. In Old English man meant a human being, male or female. - The show is especially popular with middle-aged men. Trending Searches ... 1. manpower noun. There is also a tendency to use ‘gender’ as a synonym for ‘women’s’. I've heard it used at many companies in my part of the world, but I don't know how to define "commonly accepted substitute" in this context. Full list of synonyms for Gender-neutral is here. I thought Workplace would have more information on this than EL&U. @Bamboo - biologically, yes. It should equally be anti-woman and simply sensible. View the pronunciation for gender-neutral. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! a body of persons at work or available for work, An Editor's Guide to the Merriam-Webster January 2021 Update. gender-neutral (comparative more gender-neutral, superlative most gender-neutral) . Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com! in high school or college. You're being asked to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Synonyms: force, help, labor force… Find the right word. synonym.com. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). What are another words for Coed? Well, let's leave aside for the moment that "Manpower" IS gender-neutral ("Man" meaning Mankind, and not males. Your physics analogy doesn't work. Can you benefit from the Dueling fighting style after having thrown a light weapon? We use that for project planning and staffing. It only takes a minute to sign up. 10 of my developers are half time and ten are full time.". and I cant find an real definition online is EQM some single company only jargon? It seems a fine choice. Many modern laws use gender-neutral … The use of -person as a gender-neutral alternative to -man in words referring to occupations and roles in society is a relatively new development in the English language. Another word for manpower. Is "triggerer" correct, or is there some other word to identify the person who triggered something? Manpower definition: Workers are sometimes referred to as manpower when they are being considered as a part of... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples "He-Man" would work for me. Full list of synonyms for Coed is here. This is the British English definition of gender-neutral.View American English definition of gender-neutral. The Workplace Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting. Terms I've seen that you may wish to consider: In the end, it almost always reverted back to EQM once people understood what the word "Man" actually means. (ˈmænˌpaʊɝ) The force of workers available. It is more standard than any of the alternatives given here, which are all more ambiguous. How to notate the 6th and 7th scale degree cord of a minor scale? My current company (and several others where I have worked) uses the term FTE - Full-time Equivalent. A writer needs to use words that speak to the meaning rather than try to satisfy some made up sense of gender neutrality. Find more ways to say gender, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. SINCE 1828. Manpower definition, power in terms of people available or required for work or military service: the manpower of a country. I must admit that I have a habit of using it as such. antonym.com Word of the Day: slipshod. Gender-Neutral Words and Terms As English speaking Western cultures and societies have evolved over the past few decades, the use of gender-specific language has (is becoming) a thing of the past. NOTE: This is not a question seeking general answers for terms, and it is thus not a purely opinion based question. Topics People in society c1 (of language) that does not refer specifically to men or women, and so can be understood to include both sexes ‘They’ may be used as a gender-neutral pronoun instead of ‘he’ or ‘she’. English [] Alternative forms []. Pronunciation of P in Latin, versus Ph in Greek. In fact, gender-neutral language is almost solely advocated by people seeking to neuter the very idea of gender, not by anyone interested in neutrality. “Manpower.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/manpower. Change your default dictionary to American English. Linguistically, my point stands. In several contexts, it refers to a person (or people) without gender qualification. Using words like “mail person” when “mailman” will do … Synonyms for manpower in Free Thesaurus. What do I say if my manager asks me if there is someone in the company I would rather not work with? Slippery Words QuizâChanging with the Times. Definition and synonyms of gender-neutral from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. gender-neutral definition: 1. relating to people and not especially to men or to women: 2. relating to people and not…. Read up on gender-neutral English and you’re bound to run into the history of the word man.Briefly, it goes like this. Is it immoral to advise PhD students in non-industry-relevant topics in middle-lower ranked universities? genderneutral; Adjective []. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Can admitting previous illegal drug use without any criminal record bar you from entering Anglophone nations (US, UK, NZ, Canada, Australia)? "Humanpower" would be taking the gender-neutral goal to ridiculous extremes. Synonyms for Gender-neutral (other words and phrases for Gender-neutral). The sex-differentiated terms were wer and wif, for males and females respectively.Around the late thirteenth century, wer fell out of use (though as horror fans know, we kept werewolf) and man … This is quite clear from the first three descriptions on wiktionary (in fact, nr 4, 5, and 6 are also gender-neutral): man (plural men) An adult male human. No gender is stated or implied by that term. Story about a robot creating a machine which violated the laws of Physics? Find another word for manpower. What is a good approach to handling exceptions? This is no different. As suggested by Garrison Neely in the comments, there does not appear to be an abbreviation for "equivalent workforce", but the full term is used instead. Adey, gender-neutral language doesn't at all reflect progress and clearly is anti-man. Antonyms for manpower. 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