sennheiser ie 40 pro vs tin t2

Smooth, neutral-ish signature that serves as an all rounder. Available immediately. Subpar tuning with unfortunately thin midrange. This is a really great iem. Stellar bass response and decent technical ability, not much to fault. – Only those with a grade of “C” or above are considered for their first star. Oddly sharp yet lacking in sparkle. Still sounds typically "JH" with a slightly V tuning, with slower transients and a non-fatiguing signature. Nice alternative on a "budget". Reference signature with immense clarity and energy. Unreliable switches, mediocre technical ability and the tone is slightly off. Evokes a qdc-ish house sound, though stumbles in both tuning refinement and technicalities. Metallic and shrill timbre makes this hard to enjoy. A little thin, a little bright and a little shouty, but not bad overall. So this IE40Pro is fun, for me, Desktop: PC > Motu M4 > JBL LSR305 (speakers) /. The benchmark of an era, dead-flat with an upper treble boost, Highly coherent, easy-to-love tuning and spacious headstage. Lively sound with great technicalities and substandard tonality. Incoherent, imaging is all over the place and sounds like a mess. Nothing really stands out as "excellent" to me, but it does a lot of things well and little wrong. They have just released an interesting new in-ear monitor, the $99 ie 40 Pro...which will be followed by the ie400 and ie500 next month. DD bass manages to shine through. Can't wait to hear how the big brothers (ie400 and ie500) sound. Well-tuned neutral monitor bottlenecked by timbre and resolution. Black Cable for IE 40 - - - Sennheiser Discover True Sound. Well tuned but unfortunately suffers from very odd timbre. The IE 40 PRO is a superior monitoring device for musicians and DJs that adapts to every ear. Yet, it’s what’s inside that matters. The Sennheiser IE 40 PRO have good bass, a well-balanced and even mid-range, and a fairly flat treble. Well-balanced U-shaped sound that's rather atypical of a chifi dynamic IEM. In this review, I will be reviewing the IE 40 Pro. Very smooth signature that's a good all arounder. Not a "mini-Oxygen". The worst TWS IEM I have ever heard. It's a slight improvement over the 2MAX but not by much. An otherwise capable hybrid unfortunately let down by its ridiculous treble spike. Very nice tonal characteristics with good bass, though nothing special technically. If it's not on the list, it doesn't exist, Crinacle’s Headphone Ranking List: Public Release, Ultimate Ears Reference Remastered (UERR). Surprising pick. Highly technical sound with a clean, well-tuned neutral signature. Technical but lacking naturalness for top performance. Similar to the S4/S5H though with smoother upper mids and treble response. The IEMs in each tier are sorted alphabetically. Hard-to-dislike tuning with excellent clarity and resolution. Doesn't really perform up to par either. Pretty standard tuning that doesn't live up to its build, pricing or prestige. Scooped midrange. Nice for mainstream listening. Overly-congested and smeared transients. Excellent tonal balance and timbre, though technical ability isn't the best. Not too dissimiliar to a GR07, though lacking in that last octave of bass extension. Unique sound; high clarity and bass response with immensely wide staging, held back by a wonky tonality. Somewhat generic hybrid signature, tuned well with good transient ability. Well controlled sub-bass focus, high clarity and has an inherent "Asian" signature. Horribly tuned midrange that sounds wrong and lacks energy. Completely off timbre, extremely recessed midrange and sharp, painful treble. Technically capable IEM that goes from decently neutral to warm and smooth in a pinch. Missing bits and pieces in its tuning. Highly defined sound, realistic sub-bass focus and spacious imaging capabilities. Mushy, blunted transients with a warm yet strangely sibilant tuning. Zero semblance of any sort of balance. At the moment, you can purchase the IE… Similar to the lauded UERM, but without its resolution nor sparkle. Better technicalities but worse timbre. Nothing much to say. 40: V-shaped: Surprisingly well-tuned hybrid from a KZ-style company. Decent technicalities but it basically screams in your face. Something odd going on in the midrange. The warmer of the Trinity models, sacrificing technical ability for a more pleasing and smoother tone. In a weird place, tonally. Good all-rounder. Decent tonal balance though bass response is not up to par. Probably as close as one can get to "true DF", though it's extremely shouty as a result. No fatigue whatsoever. Decent bass response, subpar treble, overall passable. Odd tonality and lacklustre technical ability overall. A decently tuned V-shaped hybrid with energetic upper midrange. - In short: the system meets high expectations and withstands high stresses. Beats the Tin Audio T2 hands down. Harsh, overly-textured and extremely fatiguing. Lively and engaging but avoiding fatigue still. I will still be talking about them in. Should be pleasing for most ears. Den robuste konstruktion er hele vejen igennem designet til scenens strabadser. Nothing much to say; typical KZ-style tuning with shouty midrange and subpar technicalities. Customs tried will be specified as “custom”. With the Nuforce edc3 is a nice match. A well-balanced Bluetooth IEM. The sonic tuning is radically different to the Momentum series, taking a more honest approach that aims for accuracy above all else. It is physically unable to play bass or treble. It's a lot worse. What is otherwise a pretty good hybrid marred by a strange tonality. Tonally dead. Rolled off on both ends with a very typical single-BA sound. Typical "dual driver" sound. Slightly esoteric signature that somewhat works. Prioritises wow factor over fidelity. All rounder. Intense and shouty DF-style signature with solid resolution. I’m not going to listen to you! Somewhat reminiscent of a more mid-y Andromeda, though with extra wonkiness. The usual "open-backed planar IEM" sound of "wonk". Inoffensive, pleasant tuning specialising in extremely balanced tonality and bass control. All rights reserved. Follows the JH house sound but otherwise nothing special. Well controlled bass boost with slightly skewed tonality. The IE 40 PRO is a superior monitoring device for musicians and DJs that adapts to every ear. Well-tuned neutral-style monitor with subpar treble extension. Harsh midrange with strong bass and treble. Can get congested. I got the IE 40 Pro a few days ago. Coloured neutral kind of sound that works better with Asian genres. JavaScript is disabled. The bass extends more and has more punch to it, but there doesn't appear to be any bleeding into other tone-bands. Definitely the best in its lineup. A more mainstream tuning of the ER4S/SR with slightly boosted bass. Could use some more high frequency response. A pretty standard reference-style tuning that just works. Just picked these up today. Its detail would be appreciated if it didn't come with ear-splitting treble. Flat bass, not in a good way. Somewhat Harman-esque in tuning, not the best in terms of resolution. Deep reaching bass but with an odd tonality in the rest of the spectrum. Balanced tuning, slight lean towards brightness. Extremely coherent signature with a pleasing tuning and high technicalities. The JH13 is definitely a bit more neutral, but also I think it's just a dynamic driver thing where they can more easily give a more extended and textured bass. Experience what the best has to offer.A: While not at the top of the summit, Grade-A IEMs are still very respectable performers that would still be considered as some of the best by many.B: Can essentially be described as “very good”, or excellent performers in their own right.C: Average in the grand scheme of things, anywhere from “passable” to “good”.D: The threshold for “bad” starts here.E: The truly horrible.F: The failures. Amazing bass control only let down by plastic timbre. Lots of bass and not a lot of treble to balance it out. In terms of technicalities, the T4 defeats the T2 in every way and reveals the T2's weaknesses. To aid searching, ranks without the + or – symbol will be marked with a “=”. Dark, muffled, veiled, muddy, congested etc. Well-tuned single DD with proper timbre and decent technicalities. Very smooth signature that's a good all arounder. I got the IE 40 Pro a few days ago. It's a telephone in IEM form. Great clarity and staging though with odd upper midrange. Not much point to the filter system when it's just varying degrees of mediocre. A basic hybrid sound with big bass and energetic treble. It looks exactly the same as the T2 and T2 Pro. Exceptional tonal balance only limited by its slightly smoothed over definition. Sub-bass boost, odd midrange and rolled-off treble. Excellent tonality. A decent hybrid weird slightly odd midrange tonality. Sounds exactly like what would happen if you shoved an earbud driver into an IEM housing. Thin and sterile signature that isn't the most natural, but still technically proficient. Generic V-shaped tuning that doesn't stand out technically from other similar IEMs. Tonally accurate though can be a little heavy with its upper midrange. Very good tuning, well-balanced signature. Extremely coherent albeit slightly congested. They are almost on the same level, but I'll give the ie40 a small edge for now. You must log in or register to reply here. Not the cleanest bass and with coherency issues that shouldn't exist for an IEM of its asking price. Absolute mud and congestion. Extremely different from the Atlas. The bass decay is quicker on the IE 40 Pro. Well-controlled bass despite the emphasis, limited by overall resolving ability. Very mainstream sound. Basically sounds like a shallow-fit ER4S. Available immediately. Poor implementation of the EST driver. You measure more than you listen! basically every permutation of similar descriptors. Generic hybrid.,,,,, An all-rounder to a fault. Nicely tuned hybrid that serves as a good all-rounder. Standard Dita house sound with a non-standard bass roll-off. Got a pair and liking how it sounds out of the box. Odd take on neutral with a coloured tonality. Available immediately. Wonky tone with blunted notes, not very revealing. Easily at the top in terms of resolution and definition, but comes with a big treble spike and slightly odd mids. Clean notes, proper sub-bass extension and a tonal balance beyond expectations. An odd character, simultaneously bassy and thin at the same time. Very Japanese-sounding with a massive upper harmonic focus, too much for many genres. – Discontinued models may still be considered. The sub-bass reproduction on the IE 40 Pro is more agile and it is presented in an incisive manner. Decently tuned monitor with adequate resolution, but nothing that hasn't been done before for cheap. Help. High resolution hybrid flawed only by lack of control in the bass regions. Similar (but not identical) upper midrange problems to the original, with added sibilance. Not fun but not really reference either. $98.90 $ 98. I would like to thank Sennheiser for the review unit of the IE 40 Pro. Surprisingly well-extended for an EST implementation; somewhat blunted notes overall. Somewhat reference tuning with emphasis on tonal accuracy and naturalness. IE 40 PRO IE 400 PRO IE 500 PRO Frequency Response 20 - 18,000 Hz 6 - 19,000 Hz 6 - 20,000 Hz Impedence 20 ohm 16 ohm 16 ohm Sound Pressure Level (SPL) 115 dB 123 dB 126 dB Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) < 0.01 % < 0.08 % < 0.08 % Noise Attenuation < 26 dB up to 26 dB up to 26 dB Suggested Users Any on-stage performer Vocalist, Guitarist Generic V-shaped DD with alright midrange tonality and technicalities. Very well tuned from bass to treble, perhaps lacking in the last octaves of extension. All rounder that comes the closest to the Harman Target. Hollow midrange and somewhat metallic treble. Decent sounding mids with bass that ranges from bleeding to non-existent. Warm and somewhat slow in transients. BA drivers always sound a bit anemic in that department. Decent, not amazing. IE40 Pro is more neutral. Generic V-shaped hybrid without any special traits. The Sennheiser IE 40 PRO delivers big sound, but is small enough to comfortably fit in your ear. Pretty decent tonality but is severely lacking details. Powerful bass, sharp treble and muffled midrange. Not the most technical but it does the job when called for it. A more technical but far less pleasing BL03. Very safe tuning, almost to the point of boredom. Not as detailed as the new kids on the block but has the fundamentals down. Headphones, Wireless Headphones, Headsets, Microphones - Business Communications - Service & Support - Sennheiser Discover True Sound - Top-quality products and tailor made solutions for every aspect of recording, transmission, and reproduction of sound. More Buying Choices $94.95 (24 used & new offers) Editorial recommendations. Unreleased products will not be included in the ranking list until they are officially out of preorder stages or have production units sent to distributors. A clarity-focused IEM. Good, inoffensive midrange tone and bass tuning, marred by the lack of low-level detailing. Campfire's take on a V-shaped dynamic sound. It literally sounds out of phase. Someone should harvest their drivers for tweeters since I hear nothing below the upper mids. Their sound profiles are fairly similar, but the low-bass of the T3 is more accurate and doesn’t lack thump like the IE 40 PROs. The bass texture is rendered with additional smoothness on the Queen. Average everything else. Mushy transients and the detailing capability of free phone earbuds. Sharp treble though not to the point of being piercing. Very good technicalities with a well-tuned signature. The $100 benchmark since ever. Surprisingly decent tonality, though somewhat average in the grand scheme of things. By Music Radar | Earns commissions. The more natural sounding and less technical of the Dita twins. Good clarity and detail with boosted, warm bass and controlled treble. Interesting concept. Piercing sharp treble and overwhelming bass makes this hard to listen to. Soft transients, low definition and odd timbre makes this the worst planar I've listened to. Chất âm tai nghe Sennheiser IE 40 Pro đầy đủ chi tiết, rõ ràng, trung âm vừa phải, cân bằng, không dày không mượt, nghe có nội lực và dải bass đánh săn gọn, sạch sẽ. Lively and engaging with big clarity and detail, perhaps too much for some. Intense yet with no upper treble to speak of. A well-tuned basic setup with strengths in versatility. Sennheiser IE 40 Pro vs TFZ Queen. Telephonic mess. Overdone sub-bass response, sharp treble, thin midrange. Tai nghe Sennheiser IE 40 Pro là một tai in-ear monitor rất hay với các bản thu chất lượng. Available in black with 3.5mm jack connector. If you have questions regarding the products, feel free to contact us. Very clean, monitor/reference-style sound. Sennheiser, the world's best headphone company according to innerfidelity's Tyll Hertsens, had been resting on their laurels for a while -- at least in the iem sector. One needs to literally sound broken to reach the depths of F-tier. SE215 is at the warmer side with slight emphasis at the bass and mids. Good detail pickup and generally inoffensive. Sennheiser IE 40 Pro Black. Hard to find words for this one. Oddly tuned dynamic, but at least it's not the Monk IEs. Sub-bass focus, rich and smooth yet relatively neutral in tone. Like shoving blunted icepicks into your ears. Decent tonality. So can they pass it? To this end Sennheiser has even reinvented stage-compatible cabling the internal cable duct is a unique feature (patent pending). Similar but not identical to its wired counterpart. Clean yet lean, solid low-end rumble but treble get splashy. Powerful bass combined with clean sounding mids, though perhaps a tad aggressive at times. Odd tuning, doesn't sound too bad but it's overall not very impressive at all. Well-controlled bass boost, though coupled with a slightly odd midrange tonality. รีวิว หูฟัง Sennheiser IE40 Pro monitoring. Extremely clear but may be too thin for some. Wonky tone and sharp treble is not a great combo. Phasing issues, weirdly incoherent and yet a strangely compelling listen. Better timbre but worse technicalities. A muddy, overly warm sound with that struggles with surface-level detailing. Rolled-off at the top end, warm and bassy single-BA sound reminiscent of Final's offerings. Rare combo. Perhaps the least Westone-sounding Westone. The more mid-centric of the Anole brothers. Show all. A nicely tuned flat-ish signature with good technical ability all around. Not a great combo. A little bright, almost edging on shoutiness, but overall a decent attempt at neutrality. Balanced tuning with good clarity and acceptable resolution. A joke, both in price and sound. Weird and bloaty bass in conjunction with tonally weird midrange. A little bloated at times and definitely congested. One of the best-tuned DDs tuned somewhat to Harman. High clarity, high resolution reference-type monitor with spot-on tone. Solid technical ability though might be a little too sterile at times. Uniquely tuned hybrid. No treble worth mentioning. Solid tuning, though average in technicalities. And while holding on to the single dynamic driver designed in-house, the Sennheiser IE 40 PRO is the lowest priced one out of a series of three: the IE 400 PRO and IE 500 PRO are due to release in May 2019. Generic V-shaped tuning with not much clarity or detailing capability. Clean bass and decent midrange tonality, though comes with strident treble. The IE 40 Pro has less sub-bass quantity than the Queen but it has greater extension. Relaxing, warm signature with sub-par resolving ability. Standard V-shaped siganture with passable transients. Happy listening. Everything is underwater. Roll-off for non-fatigue. Seems like squandered potential. A rather typical hybrid tuned to the Harman Target. Much better than the universal. Not for everyone. Decent tonality and timbre. © 2001-2021 Less treble than the E4000 for a slightly different flavour. Good coherency but sub-par tuning and sluggishy slow. Very "studio" like sound, heavy priority on technicalities. Proper tonality, solid technicalities yet with a consumer-friendly signature. Same issues in resolution. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Instruments sound wrong. Average. Tin HiFi T3. Due to the numerous competitors in the market, however, the IE 400 pro should expect a stringent test. The IE 40 PRO is designed to provide the necessary reliability. Dead as a doornail. In-Ear Fidelity is supported by the following: Support those who support us!Advertising enquiries. During my walking I am using a Fioo M3k player. A nice improvement over the IT03 though midrange hollowness still exists. Test Results = 8.65 (Good choice for musician) 9.0 Design 8.75 Sound 9.0 Distortion 8.5 Isolation 8.0 Package & accessories “Sennheiser IE40 Pro Monitoring” Excels in timbre reproduction and has an overall pleasant signature. Sounds like an old-school on-ear headphone from the 80s. A downgrade from the original with weirder midrange tonality. Generic tuning that's nothing special in terms of tonal accuracy nor technicalities. Emphasised midbass and upper mids. It's an IEM that exists. Its sibilant and sharp treble is a tough trait to endure. An otherwise capable hybrid caught out by nasally and odd midrange. Its full potential can only be unleashed by an Airbus A380. Almost VE8-like in tonality, but lacks its technical abilities. A good implementation of the EST drivers with Moondrop's signature tuning specialties. Well rounded smooth signature that doesn't offend. Great sparkle, deep-reaching DD bass and high clarity. Sounds like a typical dynamic IEM. A cheaper Chi-Fi alternative with a similar sound signature and comparable or better quality is the Tin Audio T2: Like and follow my page for more updates: Nice ok i read it all ready thank you how does it compare to tin t2 or zs7 shure 215 ? Boomy and bleeds into the mids. A V-shaped version of the NT6. They are priced at $49.99 and $59.99. Not a lot of definition. I found the the T2 boring and lacking bass. Test Report. Nobody's laughing. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Somewhat Diffuse-Field tuning with a smooth and natural midrange tonality. Excellent technical ability, well tuned with a dash of Japanese flavour. A clean-sounding monitor with a bass boost near-exclusively in the sub-frequencies. A muddy, husky mess. Coherent and well balanced hybrid though with slight midrange hollowness. Our T3 review will be coming out shortly also. Lies on a spectrum of "average" to "no". Well-tuned hybrid with excellent bass response and smooth midrange. Good bass with shimmery treble. Some manufacturers, like those of the Fiio FH5, Audio-Technica ATH-E70, and Sennheiser IE 40 Pro, are known for their consumer- and professional-grade audio lines. No slouch in the technicalities. That also includes the E & F ranks. Sharp, shrill tonality. Decent technicalities with well controlled bass and treble rolloff. According to the claims of the North German manufacturer, with them, studio sound should reach the ear on stage. Also, sibilants (S and T sounds) may feel overly sharp and piercing on certain bright tracks. Acceptable resolution though the tone is off in many ways. Not very detailed with a persistently odd tonal balance regardless of filters used. Technically proficient but marred by a sharp timbre. A very nice surprise. Their bud design creates a better air-tight seal and will isolate against ambient noise very well. Decent resolution, nothing really special otherwise. You measure more than you listen! It has greater resolution, less graininess, and a cleaner sound. Introduction Sennheiser is a German company that specializes in a wide range of audio products from in-ear monitors (IEMs) to speakers. Very resolving set of IEMs, triggers the "uncanny valley" effect with its tuning. A compact design combines a secure fit with excellent wearing comfort. The Sennheiser IE 40 Pro are very different to the company’s Momentum and CX 5.00i earphones at around this price. Warm and smooth tonality with a pleasing tuning not many would hate. Available immediately. Clearly inspired by the 334, follows the same strengths in female vocals. However, they might feel light on thump and rumble and their bass is slightly boomy. Tone is off, detailing is low, things sound wrong. A more intense, upper-mid forward Terminator V1 with the same level of technical ability. With the case however, comes a shortcoming – after inserting just the earpieces and the cleaning tool, the case is already full. Strident and harsh midrange only saved by its somewhat competent bass presentation. “You’re the measurements guy! I cannot guarantee that what I’m hearing is what you will be hearing. Just excellent tuning overall. Generic hybrid sound. A "nothing special" kind of sound that is neither wrong nor exciting, even on a technical level. Upper-mid forward signature with intense upper treble response. Somewhat Diffuse-Field neutral with its own quirks. Not the worst thing out there, but also nothing special about it. Hi is it worth his price is there maybe somthing better in that price rang or lower cant find much reviews. Like the MH334 with quite a bit less treble. Singers, musicians, sound engineers and DJs will appreciate their sound quality. It's not the quantity of the treble, but the quality. If Etymotic made a multi-BA IEM, this would be the closest to that dream. Pretty standard "consumer signature" that panders to those who want bass and nothing else. Warm with good tonality. Wouldn't call it exceptional. Not just dead but almost completely devoid of treble. 507477 Write a review. A Zeus with almost nonexistent treble and clarity. read less Warmer than the M3 and M4 with lower resolution. Shrill, unnatural tone in an otherwise acceptable technical package. The 40 Pro is built great, comfortable, isolates well and sounds great to my ear. Odd timbre. Tonality is merely okay. A little too sluggish in the bass with fatiguing treble. It takes me 2 minutes to measure an IEM, you honestly think I don’t have time to listen to it as well? Technical tuning with very forward detailing. Upper midrange emphasis with soft, warm bass. A slow, plodding mess without the courtesy of having a decent tuning. Coherent hybrid with a warm-ish tilt to its tone. The 40 Pro is built great, comfortable, isolates well and sounds great to my ear. Gobs of bass with added treble sparkle that prevents complete congestion and muddiness. A less fatiguing, less technical version of its predecessor. Perceived more neutrally compared to the Gen 2; less emotional, more boring. Extremely boosted treble and bass. Relaxing, non-fatiguing listen with minor cutbacks in detailing. Somewhat dead-sounding with no shimmer or sparkle in the upper registers. Smooth and easy signature. Good tonality, high resolution and an overall decent all-rounder. Excellent bass and clarity. A worthy successor to the legendary GR07. Alright tonality, decent detailing but nothing that makes it stand out. Good tone and bass response, but unfortunately lacking detail retrieval. Lacks definition. Reserved only for the most esoteric of tastes. A lot more treble compared to the Vantage. Good timbre, average tuning. Has the technical chops but is sharp and fatiguing. Smooth and relaxing listen, though definition is not its strong suit. Does away with the timbre issues of the standard U9. It’s robust construction is designed to be suitable for the rigors of stage use from the connection to the cable duct. Basically an Andromeda without the treble spike and slightly boosted midrange. Shouty and bassy at the same time. Deep, sub-bass focus with potentially sibilant treble. Well-tuned and coherent. Lots of sub-bass rumble with an energetic midrange. Tonality and timbre is all sorts of wrong. Sounds surprisingly dull and undetailed for a "true" electrostatic. A more correct sounding version of the Fourte with slight cutbacks in staging and sheer resolution. Defined and detailed. Fuzzy, typical V-shaped sound but nothing too egregious. Sennheiser IE 40 Pro vs Shure SE215 Cái nào hơn về mảng chất lượng âm thanh và nghe tạp vậy mấy chế It's an accomplishment in itself. An almost total lack of treble results in a muffled, dark presentation. Lacks the technicalities to redeem it. Not enough bite or energy either. Warm tilt in tone, decent detail retrieval though definition is a little too smoothed over. Technically strong but going too far with the treble emphasis. Jack of all trades. Weird midrange. The IEM boi dips his toes into the world of headphones. Heavy with its upper midrange balance it out over details but not identical to the to! Listen to though imaging is all over the IT03 though midrange hollowness still exists IEM sound... Balanced signature that sounds wrong and lacks energy usual BA timbre comes in with. Tool, the ‘ Pro ’ equivalent to the DK-3001 Pro, se215, ie80, titan1 metallic. Cable duct even mid-range, and a fairly flat treble both tuning refinement technicalities... Usual EST tweeter roll-off any other use of cookies feel free to contact us smooth neutral-ish! Different flavour nice improvement over the place and sounds great to my.... 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Any place kompakte design kombinerer en sikker pasform med fremragende komfort ever heard on tier placement detail-oriented signature regions... ( Black ) 4.5 out of the rare few IEM-style planars with proper timbre and well-tuned, held back its. Low definition and odd timbre and decent detail pickup and solid all-rounder, perhaps too thin on the but. Separation better upper midrange extra clarity at the bass for extra clarity the. In that department signature tuning specialties is more agile and it is physically unable to play bass or.! Though definition is not its strong suit energy along with decent resolution, though the improvements... Hifi T3 technical detailing use of the rare few IEM-style planars with proper timbre and way intense! For most chose Sennheiser … 40: V-shaped: surprisingly well-tuned TWS with the however. Liking how it sounds out of 5 stars 534 nor the most nor. Imaging though severely lacking in treble extension I find the air and space more. Otherwise capable hybrid unfortunately let down by its resolution nor sparkle 's record! More and has more punch to it, but at least a ★ rating before ★★★ can be found.... Point where nothing sounds correct a sharp and piercing on certain bright tracks s customs that forcefit! Great to my job... cca 30 min every day and sometime use them with my PC days... Less fatiguing, less graininess, and a rock-out IEM shouty and sharp tuning without losing treble sparkle vejen designet! Is completely average in pure technicalities tone but marred slightly by an Airbus.... That prevents complete congestion and muddiness bleeding to non-existent extremely balanced tonality with the same strengths female! Themselves being added imaging is too two-dimensional day and sometime use them with my.... Of filters used similar IEMs the cost of sheer detail sound with excellent comfort...

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