why doesn't my dog want to go outside anymore

Here we go… Treat Training. Then take your time, stay positive and gradually build your dog’s behavior from glances to steps to eventual sustained walking. You’re tired afterward, right? Why is My Dog Afraid to Go Outside? The other cat is an outside cat and the cat with the problem has mostly been an inside cat. Then, gradually bridge the distance between your dog and the garbage truck, always rewarding him with the goodies for his calm responses. You can also jump-start your obedience training by teaching your dog to target your hand; simply present your open hand to your dog a foot or so away from him at nose height, and when he moves towards it click or say “yup!” to mark that forward movement, and follow up with a treat. To have your dog stop in the middle of the walk and refuse to move can happen for several reasons. Once your puppy is walking close to you in anticipation of the next treat, head outside and continue the fun. I experienced something similar many years ago with a dog I discovered sleeping in a pile of leaves in my yard. The moment he makes a move, no matter how small, mark the behavior with a click or click word, then toss the treat in the direction you want to walk. The Fix: Instead of cajoling or, worse yet, scolding your reluctant walker, instead turn your back and ignore him. Dogs might be afraid to venture outside for a number of reasons, including: The most effective way to help dogs feel more confident outside is to change their association to the great outdoors through a combination of desensitization and counter-conditioning training. For example, a dog who is nervous about encountering garbage trucks could be exposed to a truck that’s several blocks away, parked and silent, so that he can see it, but he’s far enough from it that he won’t react to it. Know what's best for you and your favorite cuddle buddy. The fix: Opt for the lightest leash and collar that’s safe for your dog. Another possible reason as to why your new dog wants outside all the time may include the dog looking for his previous owner. He may be uncomfortable if he has to pee and doesn't want to, but eventually he has to go some time. This is why we’ve taken the liberty of providing you with a few reasons for this condition and a few tips on how to handle it. The first thing to keep in mind is how you’re judging your dog’s appetite. With the garbage truck at a distance, feed your dog a series of high value goodies when he notices the truck, like bits of cheese or hot dogs, so that your dog starts to make a connection between the scary garbage truck and the wonderful goodies. Spending time in the great outdoors seems like a natural part of dog-hood, but for some cautious canines, the world outside the front door can be a scary place. Or maybe she doesn't want to go out the same door that your st. bernard is going through. And like any time she eliminates outside, lavish her with praise immediately. Your Bed is Too Soft. A sudden refusal to walk could signal an injury, so take your dog to your veterinarian for an exam to discover the cause. At a certain age, your dog might fear that he can’t make it outside on time, anymore. Read on to find out. Sometimes, the problem can be something treatable. 1. Some dogs won’t go down stairs anymore due to age, illness, and fear. Repeat the process, moving around the room and keeping this new game upbeat. Forcing dogs who are exhibiting these kinds of stress signals to “face their fears” will only exacerbate the problem, so punishment and intimidation have no place in the rehabilitation process. Your goal is to desensitize your dog to anything he perceives as scary while you reward him for moving in the right direction. Avoid Forcing or Carrying Out Your Dog. I take my dog outside two to three times a day so she can potty and exercise, but lately she's been hiding in her cage whenever I call her to go out. I had to sit on top of the doghouse, in the pouring rain, so the baby gate would stay in place. Your dog will eventually hit the panic button, and its cognitive functions shut down. Mark the behavior with a clicker or a verbal “click word” like “yup!” and follow up with a high value treat. Some pet parents get very lucky and have a puppy who “gets” it when it comes to house training. He has always been a real outdoor cat and now sleeps inside all day. Let your adult dog wear the leash around the house and work up to the same “come to me and get a treat” game suggested for puppies. My dog is 11 years old for the last2 days she always takrs a walk and she got skunked about8 months ago and she still has a weird smell on her,i cant figure it out.I love her so much she is my best friend I have had since she was 6 weeks old.She is eating and drinking but dont seem to want to do anything,i have no money to take her to the vet could she just be having 2 off days? Search outside, maybe there is an animal (such as a squirrel or rabbit, etc) that is outside that she is scared of. This type of training breaks down the process of walking outside into manageable pieces and rewards the dog for successfully navigating each one. We would put him outside and he would keep meowing to come inside. The idea basically says that the more deposits you make into your dog’s obedience bank account the more willing he will be to obey you when he doesn’t want to. Problems with hips, walking, and getting up and down stairs. My Dog Suddenly Refuses To Walk – Solving The Problem. He seems more inclined to walk when the rest of the family is around, but not when Kittens offer an oversized litter of ways they’re truly the choicest companions. Dogs that were deprived of socialization as a puppy might end up nervous about the world outside their front door, which could manifest in a reluctance or even refusal to go for a walk. Some dogs form very strong attachments to their owners, and for dogs surrendered to a shelter, the search for their owners may persist no matter what. Sometimes dogs go on leash strike because they don’t want the fun to end. Could it be the cold? It’s likely that your dog’s fearfulness will be evident in other situations as well, like meeting new people and encountering different sounds, so his unease while leashed probably won’t come as a surprise. Train her (by bring her outside and get her again, used to using the doggy door.) Show of hands if you've ever gone all out on the weekend with a big home-inprovement project, a game of touch football or some power shopping at the local megamall. Of course, when he does finally go then give him lots of praise. Dogs are intelligent animals, and they want to learn. And collars that use pain to train, like prong, choke or electric collars, might have such a negative association for dogs that they refuse to budge when wearing them. It's not a good sign if your dog is not making eye contact with you. Sure, he might be confident and happy out in the world, but the sensation of that lasso around his neck is enough to make him stop in his tracks. Let’s face it: we all dream of a puppy that aims always for the right spot, peeing perfectly right in the middle of the pad and with no messy accidents at the edges. Before I go on any further there is a theory I like to call “Making Deposits into your Dog’s Obedience Bank Account.” You can find a great infographic on the theory here . Bad practices can cause your dog to acquire bad habits, such as not wanting to go for walks. Your dog’s fearfulness might manifest in obvious ways, like an outright refusal to walk or pulling hard on the leash to try to get back in the house. One reason why your dog starts going to the bathroom inside that we haven’t touched on is aging. The fix: Much like early puppy leash training, adult dogs need the opportunity to first get familiar with the sensation of the leash. Plus, the unfamiliar sensation of wearing a collar and leash can make going outside an extra frightening … ... garlic, sliced string cheese, cooked liver, yummy chummies, etc.) Pet parents might think their dog is stubborn, but there usually are underlying reasons that have nothing to do with manners or training for refusing to walk while on leash. He will eventually have to pee or poop and will not do damage to himself in waiting. This has been going on for quite a few months. Whether it’s reluctance to leave the dog park or unwillingness to part with a favorite friend, these walk refusers prefer to stay where they are rather than continue strolling. A restless dog could be a menace to deal with through the night, and it could easily be the cause of many sleepless nights. Individual dogs have different sleep surface preferences, just like people do. My Pomeranian doesn’t want to stay in the house anymore. For the past week if he has ventured outside he has run straight back in. The most common is for not having taught your dog to be walked properly. Goodluck! Another thing to consider, depending on your dog’s sensitivity, she or he may not want to walk past places with sharp or loud noises, too much activity, or lots of bad smells. Arthritis leads to severe pain in joints and bones due to which your dog might not want to move. About two months ago, I got a puppy. Symptoms of arthritis are loss of appetite, swelling, fever and limping. And it was awesome. The first step is desensitization training, which allows the dog to experience the scary stimulus at a level that doesn’t evoke stress. Apart from allergies, arthritis is the other disease your dog might be affected by. The lowest it has been this week in NY is 30 degrees, but right now it's 50. Others face an uphill battle. It’s more activity than your muscles and joints are used to. with things she doesn't like. Ensuring your dog’s physical wellbeing and taking steps to train him to increase his confidence can help make outside time a joy for both ends of the leash. If your dog doesn’t stop out of fear or medical reasons, then he just doesn’t want to go the way you want to. It's similar to tossing your kid into a swimming pool who's afraid of water. Counter conditioning, which works in tandem with desensitization, helps the dog form a new association to the stressor through positive associations. Help your dog acclimate to the harness and life on the open road with a pocket full of treats and an upbeat attitude. Out of the blue he went out for a couple of hours yesterday evening and bounced back in quite happily, but now we are back to square one. The fix: First, gently check out your dog for any hidden hurts, like an injured paw pad or nail. This helps him to acclimate to the sensation of something around his neck. A quick fix that works a lot of time is just picking up the pace in very interesting locations. A few months ago this weird reaction started. Scolding your dog might seem like a quick way to solve a problem, but there are many reasons why yelling is never the answer. In time, your dog should be able to pass garbage trucks without a fearful reaction. Depending on how stubborn your dog is this method can either work for or against you. Using a training process called “shaping” can help dogs that are afraid to go into their own yard. When your dog won’t listen to your commands, it can be frustrating — and it can also be dangerous. When your dog takes a step towards the door, mark the behavior with a click from a clicker or verbal marker like “good!” then toss a treat to your dog where he’s standing. Rescue dogs come from a variety of scenarios, from back yard dwellers to street dogs to puppy mills, and it’s possible that an adult dog that refuses to walk on leash might be doing so because the concept is completely foreign to him. Dear Bark: Why doesn’t my puppy like walks? 5 Reasons You Should Never Scold Your Dog, 21 Reasons Kittens Are The Best Companions, I Dated My Dog for a Week: Here’s What Happened. Victoria Schade is a dog trainer, author & speaker who has contributed to The Washington Post, Martha Stewart, and other publications. Keep in mind, any dog that suddenly balks at walking or going into the yard can benefit from a medical evaluation. Dogs might be afraid to venture outside for a number of reasons, including: New puppy panic: Transitioning to a new home can be overwhelming for puppies, which means your pup might slam on the brakes the first time you try to take him for a walk. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 9 of 9 Posts ... but that evening I figured it out when he was sitting outside howling but would not go through the dog door. He loves to play inside the house, and to sit in front of our house. While pulling during leash walks is a more typical challenge, there are some dogs that have the opposite problem; instead of pulling they slam on the brakes and refuse to move. Dogs that were deprived of socialization as a puppy might end up nervous about the world outside their front door, which could manifest in a reluctance or even refusal to go for a walk. A gradual reluctance to walk over time could mean that your dog is developing a pain point, so make an appointment with your vet to discuss treatment options and ongoing pain management options. The number one thing we want our dogs to communicate to us is when they need a potty break — and it's also the number two thing as well, isn’t it? Puppy Potty Training. She used to get all excited about it because I like taking her for long walks, but I don't know what's happening now she doesn't want to. … Once you have forward momentum towards the treat, you can continue capturing reward-worthy moments and commence with your walk. Keep her in for a few hours at most, then take her outside immediately when you let her out. Most dogs stop during walks all the time because they want to sniff everything. Both the thickness of the leash and the weight of the clasp might feel like an anchor around your dog’s neck, which in turn can make leash walks slow and draggy. Pet parents can begin the process by standing just outside the door with a handful of treats. How I taught my dog to go in his dog house, was similar to how I crate train. So how do you deal with a dog who doesn’t want to pee outside? I grabbed a baby gate, and with the help of my daughter, we wrestled Rufus into the doghouse, then I set the baby gate in front of the opening. If your puppy won’t use pads anymore, you may be feeling very frustrated and may wonder what you need to do to help your puppy. If you see your dog wanting to go down the stairs to be with you, but seems scared, there are some things you can do that will make life easier. Why all of a sudden does my dog not want to go outside and then when she does, she does her business and then runs - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. As your dog gets older they may not be able to go pee outside like they used. I used to go through something similar to this every spring with my dog Joey years ago. However, a dog in distress might signal his fearfulness in more subtle ways, like crouching and walking low to the ground, keeping the tail tucked, panting that isn’t related to temperature or activity level, frequent yawning or trembling. Why doesn’t the cat want to go outside any more? 1. If your dog isn't interested in his usual stroll, he might simply be tired. Forcing or flooding the dog to come outside may work, but it's more traumatic and ineffective in the long run. Then encourage your dog to target your hand as you start your walk. Many pet parents opt to buy a sturdy collar and leash to ensure their dog’s safety, not realizing that oversized gear can be uncomfortable, particularly for small dogs. The fix: Before you take your first outdoor leash walk, let your puppy wear his leash around the house with supervision so he doesn’t get caught on anything. For an older dog, joint problems could also be the reason that he’s not comfortable in his crate anymore. Dogs don't want to eliminate where they rest, so your dog's crate should be just big enough for her to go in, turn around and lay down. Image: Jondoeforty1. Don’t force your dog to come to you to get the treat or try to lure him to come to you with it. It can also help keep you sane by helping you manage problem behaviors. There are a variety of medical issues that might make leash walks uncomfortable or even impossible for dogs, from injuries due to over-activity, to age-related aches and pains, to orthopedic issues, to tick-borne diseases and even certain cancers. The following are some of the common reasons why dogs go on leash strike, and what you can do about it. My doggie doesnt want to go through his doggie door anymore. Take your dog outside during off-peak hours and watch for any rewardable behavior that resembles the beginning of a walk, which could be as minor as a glance toward the street. After all, this kind of communication can help keep your dog out of trouble, preventing him from running out into a busy street or eating something he shouldn’t. Understanding the reason for your dog’s fear and then gently addressing it through training can help to make time outdoors a pleasure for both you and your dog. There’s nothing worse than thinking your dog is refusing to walk because he’s stubborn, only to discover that he’s dealing with pain you didn’t know about. Sometimes a dog that doesn't … I don’t understand why. I wined and dined my dog for a whole week. If you’re still relying on outdated “training” collars that inflict pain, transition to a dog-friendly no-pull harness instead. The fix: Try to help build your dog’s confidence with baby steps – you won’t be doing any marathons at first. Nobody wants a dog to have a pee or poop accident in the house: It’s not pleasant to clean up, sometimes you can’t fully get rid of the stain or odor and inadvertently allowing it can encourage the dog to develop bad habits. Or worse, he already had to pee in his crate because he actually had to go at night. Then pick up the leash, making sure that there’s no tension in it, call your puppy in a happy tone of voice and give him a tasty treat when he gets to you. Make sure that he’s not being accidentally reinforced by remaining where he is, meaning, his friend is still right next to him or he’s able to watch the action in the park instead of you. It’s likely that your dog’s fearfulness will be evident in other situations as well, like meeting new people and encountering different sounds, so his unease while leashed probably won’t come as a surprise. Conversely, a dog that has had a bad experience – even once – on your usual path, may be trying to tell you they don’t want to be in harm’s way again, even if you know better. Indoor-outdoor cat has suddenly stopped going outside and has taken to getting into places in the house that she never went in before. Improper Socialization. Allow him to make his way out at his own pace, and mark and reward each step of the process until he’s confident crossing the threshold. Understanding why your dog is having difficulty with stairs is the first step. My Cat Won't Go Outside by: Anonymous My boy cat which I have had for about 3 years used to love to play outside with the other cat I have. Let’s have a look. Will come in to eat or drink, sometimes even take a nap. I often wind up picking him up and carrying him, but even that freaks him out. My cat suddenly doesn't want to go outside. Most puppies are in constant motion, but the first time the leash goes on, the unusual sensation of pressure around the neck is enough to make a busy pup stop in his tracks. If you’re concerned because your dog isn’t eating as much as the guidelines state on the food you purchase, remember that these are only averages. Pulling the pup to encourage walking won’t work and might even make your puppy more distressed about what’s happening to him. But has a fit to go back outside. Give her a treat every time she uses it. If your puppy or rescue dog is afraid to go outside, it could be because they … So now we’ve covered the possible causes, let’s get down to finding a solution to when your dog suddenly refuses to walk. Victoria Schade (Author and Dog Training and Behavior Expert), Why Your Cat Is Itchy and What You Can Do, Dog Nutrition: Guide to Dog Food Nutrients. However, he doesn’t enjoy going on walks around the neighborhood. For several nights I invited her into my house to let her sleep somewhere warm. Most complaints about leash walking challenges have to do with dogs that act like Iditarod competitors. Keep meowing to come inside sensation of something around his neck begin the process, moving the. Type of training breaks down the process, moving around the neighborhood middle of the common why! They may not be able to go through something similar many years ago leash! To how I taught my dog suddenly Refuses to walk could signal an injury, so take your time stay! 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